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Mark ZuckerBerg: Hero of the Internet or Villain of CyBerspace?
Heroes and villains of the Millennial generation (2018)
  • Zihou Liu, University of Richmond
As a prodigy who dropped out of Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg invented and developed Facebook in his dorm room and then established a “nation” whose population matches and even exceeds the populations of China and India. Consequently, Zuckerberg is usually worshipped by millennials as one of their intellectual, cultural, and social heroes. This chapter’s primary purpose is to illuminate the heroic journey of Mark Zuckerberg, focusing on both his heroic contributions to the world’s popular culture as well as the controversies that suggest his potential villainy.
  • Zuckerberg,
  • Zuckerberg hero,
  • Zuckerberg villain,
  • cyber hero,
  • cyber villain
Publication Date
Scott T. Allison
Citation Information
Zihou Liu. "Mark ZuckerBerg: Hero of the Internet or Villain of CyBerspace?" Heroes and villains of the Millennial generation (2018)
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