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Temporal Coherence Theory for the Detection and Measurement of Visual Motion
Vision Research
  • Scott N. J. Watamaniuk, Wright State University - Main Campus
  • Norberto M. Grzywacz
  • Suzanne P. McKee
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Proposes and tests a theory of the temporal integration of local-motion signals, which postulates that signals from local-motion detectors are made coherent in space and time by a special purpose network. This coherence boosts signals of features moving along non-random trajectories over time. Hence, these signal features can be detected with an outlier-selection procedure. The theory has a Local, a Coherence and an Outlier stage. Simulations with a simple neural-network implementation of the theory show that detection is impaired with increasing eccentricity, an effect that varies inversely with step size; and that detection improves over durations extending to at least 600 msec. The theory can account qualitatively for reported experimental features related to the detection of a signal dot, against the background of noise dots in Brownian motion. Motion-Energy and Elaborated-Reichardt models of local-motion detection are discussed.

Citation Information
Scott N. J. Watamaniuk, Norberto M. Grzywacz and Suzanne P. McKee. "Temporal Coherence Theory for the Detection and Measurement of Visual Motion" Vision Research Vol. 35 Iss. 22 (1995) p. 3183 - 3203 ISSN: 0042-6989
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