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Students’ Perspectives on Bullying
Bullying in School: Perspectives from School Staff, Students, and Parents (2017)
  • Scott W. Ross, Colorado Department of Education
  • Emily M. Lund, Boston University
  • Christian Sabey, Brigham Young University - Provo
  • Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University - Provo
In this chapter, Ross and colleagues address bullying from the student point of view including that of the aggressor, victim, and bystander. They outline a functional perspective on bullying noting that incidents of bullying are commonly reinforced by peer attention. Ross and colleagues describe that bystanders may play a variety of roles in bullying incidents from henchmen who participate in bullying to active defenders who stand up against bullying. Regardless of their intention, all types of bystanders may reinforce bullying, sometimes by just their mere presence. This chapter emphasizes the importance of effective bystander intervention strategies that remove peer attention in bullying prevention.
Publication Date
February 18, 2017
Lisa H. Rosen, Kathy DeOrnellas, and Shannon R. Scott
Palgrave Macmillan
Citation Information
Scott W. Ross, Emily M. Lund, Christian Sabey and Cade Charlton. "Students’ Perspectives on Bullying" New YorkBullying in School: Perspectives from School Staff, Students, and Parents (2017)
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