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A Reformer Performance Model for Fuel Cell Applications
Journal of Power Sources
  • Sarwan S. Sandhu, University of Dayton
  • Yousef A. Saif, University of Dayton
  • Joseph P. Fellner, Air Force Research Laboratory
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A performance model for a reformer, consisting of the catalytic partial oxidation (CPO), high- and low-temperature water-gas shift (HTWGS and LTWGS), and preferential oxidation (PROX) reactors, has been formulated. The model predicts the composition and temperature of the hydrogen-rich reformed fuel-gas mixture needed for the fuel cell applications.

The mathematical model equations, based on the principles of classical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, were implemented into a computer program. The resulting software was employed to calculate the chemical species molar flow rates and the gas mixture stream temperature for the steady-state operation of the reformer. Typical computed results, such as the gas mixture temperature at the CPO reactor exit and the profiles of the fractional conversion of carbon monoxide, temperature, and mole fractions of the chemical species as a function of the catalyst weight in the HTWGS, LTWGS, and PROX reactors, are here presented at the carbon-to-oxygen atom ratio (C/O) of 1 for the feed mixture of n-decane (fuel) and dry air (oxidant).

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Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Sarwan S. Sandhu, Yousef A. Saif and Joseph P. Fellner. "A Reformer Performance Model for Fuel Cell Applications" Journal of Power Sources Vol. 140 Iss. 1 (2005)
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