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Minimally invasive medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for patellar instability using an artificial ligament: a two year follow-up
Knee (2015)
  • Belinda Bosley, Norwest Private Hospital
  • Sally Lord, The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Zelda Doyle, The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Aditya Khemka, Norwest Private Hospital
  • Munjed Al Muderis, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Background: Recurrence of acute patellar dislocation affects approximately 30% of individuals, and up to 75% of
thosewith grade IV instability. Themedial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is considered to be critical for patellarstabilization. MPFL reconstruction with allografts has been proposed to reduce risk of recurrence, but there islimited evidence about the safety and effectiveness of techniques using synthetic allografts.
Methods: We present a retrospective case series of 29 individuals who underwent a MPFL reconstruction

between 2009 and 2012, using an artificial ligament for patellar instability by a single surgeon. Clinical, radiological
and functional outcomes were measured at a minimum of 24 months.
Results: 31 knees (29 individuals) were followed up for a median of 43 (range: 2468)months. Using the Crosby
and Insall grading system, 21 (68%) were graded as excellent, nine (29%)were good, one (3%) as fair and none asworse at 24months. Themean improvement in Lysholmknee score for knee instability was 68 points (standarddeviation 10). Ligamentous laxitywas seen in 17 (55%) of individuals. In this subset, 12were graded as excellent,four as good and one as fair. The mean improvement in patellar height was 11% at three months follow-up. All
knees had a stable graft fixation with one re-dislocation following trauma.

Conclusions: We propose a minimally invasive technique to reconstruct the MPFL using an artificial ligament
allowing early mobilization without bracing. This study indicates the procedure is safe, with a low risk of redislocationin all grades of instability.
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Citation Information
Bosley, B., Lord, S., Doyle, Z., Khemka, A., and Al Muderis, M. (2015). Minimally invasive medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for patellar instability using an artificial ligament: a two year follow-up. Knee, 23(2), 261-266. DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2015.07.002