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Lessons Learned: Recruiting Aging Adults for Research
Nutrition Faculty Publications
  • David R. Buys
  • Sarah L. Francis
  • Melissa Ventura Marra
  • Julie L. Locher
  • Ingrid E. Lofgren, University of Rhode Island
Document Type
Date of Original Version
Nutrition and Food Sciences

Aging adults are the fastest-growing population in the United States, but they are underrepresented in health care research. Evidence-based decisions for aging adults need to be made using research done with this population. However, recruiting aging adults into research has many challenges. This article presents multiple cases of recruiting aging adults into nutrition research studies in 3 different US geographic locations. The challenges, successes, and lessons learned are presented. The lessons learned can provide guidance to others already doing research with aging adults and those clinical and community dietitians who want to start doing research with aging adults.

Citation Information

Buys D, Francis SL, Marra MV, Locher JL, Lofgren IE. 2020. Lessons Learned: Recruiting Aging Adults for Research. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 35(1):28-41. doi: 10.1097/TIN.0000000000000201

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