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Revising an Extension Education Website for Limited Resource Audiences Using Social Marketing Theory
Journal of Extension
  • Sarah L. Francis, Iowa State University
  • Peggy Martin, Iowa State University
  • Kristin Taylor, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Spend Smart Eat Smart (SSES), a unique website combining nutrition and food buying education for limited resource audiences (LRAs), was revised using social marketing theory to make it more appealing and relevant to LRAs (25-40 years). Focus groups and surveys identified the needs and preferences of LRAs. Needs were cooking, basic health, and budget-friendly nutrition ideas. Preferences were limited text, more videos, graphics, and color. Usability testing of the revised site indicated users perceived the information valuable and the design appealing. By incorporating the needs and preferences of LRAs, SSES is now perceived as appealing as well as relevant.


This article is published as Francis, S.L., Martin, P., Taylor, K. Revising an Extension education website for limited resource audiences using Social Marketing Theory. Journal of Extension (online), 49(6) Article 6FEA7. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Extension Journal, Inc
File Format
Citation Information
Sarah L. Francis, Peggy Martin and Kristin Taylor. "Revising an Extension Education Website for Limited Resource Audiences Using Social Marketing Theory" Journal of Extension Vol. 49 Iss. 6 (2011) p. 6FEA7
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