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Unpublished Paper
Intention Matters: Quality Women's Networks Focus on Advancement
  • Sarah Rand, St. Catherine University
This study concentrates on the role and value of one strategy frequently employed by large organizations: the formation of company-sponsored women’s networks. The purpose of this study was to understand what factors impact the effectiveness of women’s networks so as to facilitate members’ advancement. This study employed a survey of 2,021 women’s network participants across three large organizations operating in diverse industries. Though few members reported career advancement as a result of their involvement, those who did identified common experiences including opportunities to expand professional networks, build connections with senior leaders, develop sponsorship relationships, and participate in projects helpful for their advancement. Perceptions of organizational support for the network and views that the network was effective in advancing members were also significant. Based on our findings, we suggest that organizational leaders and network members take measures to leverage women’s networks to facilitate advancement.
  • company-sponsored women’s networks,
  • women’s career advancement,
  • women’s network effectiveness,
  • organizational networks
Publication Date
Fall August, 2021
This article has been submitted for review to the Journal of Career Development.
Citation Information
Sarah Rand. "Intention Matters: Quality Women's Networks Focus on Advancement" (2021)
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