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Session D:5: Visual Assessments in Biology
Professional Learning Day
  • Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll
  • Megan Schrementi, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Don Dosch, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Grade Level
Grade Level: 7-12
Start Date
1-3-2013 1:00 PM
End Date
1-3-2013 2:00 PM

Most of us think of crayons and drawing paper as classroom tools for only the youngest of students, but we have found that incorporating assessments that require students to create visual representations of their understanding into our curriculum has been a successful way to improve their ability to construct models and express what they have learned. In this session, we will share our experiences and examples of student work, and discuss with participants how these and other creative approaches can help improve student understanding in biology.

Citation Information
Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll, Megan Schrementi and Don Dosch. "Session D:5: Visual Assessments in Biology" (2013)
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