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Session D-1: Science and Spaghetti Monsters: Addressing the ethical issues and controversy related to genomics and Evolution in the Biology classroom
Professional Learning Day
  • Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Grade Level
Grade Levels: HS
Start Date
4-3-2016 12:30 PM
End Date
4-3-2016 1:30 PM

As science teachers, we may shy away from addressing the controversy surrounding particular topics in our classrooms in order to maintain focus on content. However, the real world context of knowledge is essential, and the performance expectations in the life sciences as outlined in the NGSS state that students should be able to discuss the ethical issues related to genetic modifications and the nature of science. We will discuss ideas for how to address these topics effectively and help our students understand their importance beyond academics in our global community.


IMSA Considerations in Ethics: Issues in Modern Genomics, lecture by Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll

Citation Information
Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll. "Session D-1: Science and Spaghetti Monsters: Addressing the ethical issues and controversy related to genomics and Evolution in the Biology classroom" (2016)
Available at: