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Taking a Grassroots Approach: Creating a Future for STEAM Based Research, Data, and Tools Support at the UCF Libraries
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works
  • Sandy Avila, University of Central Florida
  • Sarah Norris, University of Central Florida
  • Lee Dotson, University of Central Florida
  • Ven Basco, University of Central Florida
  • RDM workshops,
  • research, data, and tools,
  • STEAM Bootcamp,
  • research data management

This session will explore the impetus for UCF Libraries interest in developing a research data management (RDM) workshop series, specific infrastructure concerns (such as scalability and staff resources), key partnerships leveraged, and how the pilot workshops series has provided valuable lessons learned as the Libraries develops additional workshops on research data management. What do you do when your library does not have a formal RDM team or positions dedicated to this area of research support? How can you leverage existing campus partnerships to create robust and scalable services? Come to this session to find out more.

Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Presentation
Publication Version
Author's version
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Information Technologies & Resources
Orlando (Main) Campus
UCF Libraries
Citation Information
Sandy Avila, Sarah Norris, Lee Dotson and Ven Basco. "Taking a Grassroots Approach: Creating a Future for STEAM Based Research, Data, and Tools Support at the UCF Libraries" (2020)
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