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A Tale of Two Campuses: Open Educational Resources in Florida and California Academic Institutions
Charleston Library Conference
  • Alejandra Nann, University of San Diego
  • Julia I Hess, Ball State University
  • Sarah Norris, University of Central Florida
  • John Raible, University of Central Florida

Open educational resources (OER) provide a high-quality and low-cost alternative to traditional textbooks. The University of Central Florida (UCF) and the University of San Diego (USD) have been engaged in a multitude of efforts related to OER and textbook affordability. This article will discuss the textbook affordability climate at the state (Florida and California) and institutional (UCF and USD) level. Macro and microventures and lessons learned will be shared by both institutions ranging from perceptions of open education resources by the universities to collaborating with constituents across campus, in addition to specific case studies with UCF faculty teaching online and face-to-face courses as well as USD’s stipend program. Lastly, the article will discuss future developments and continuous improvements by educating UCF and USD campus communities through several initiatives and new partnerships with stakeholders.

Citation Information
Alejandra Nann, Julia I Hess, Sarah Norris and John Raible. "A Tale of Two Campuses: Open Educational Resources in Florida and California Academic Institutions"
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