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Walking the Walk: Using Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning to Improve Teaching Training
Psychology Faculty
  • Sarah Grison, Parkland College
  • Stephanie Seiler
  • Crystal Carlson
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Over two years, we explored whether a novel graduate teaching course could weave together three programs that would simultaneously: (1) Enhance graduate TAs’ teaching skills; (2) Investigate undergraduates’ learning and educational experiences; and (3) Develop research in teaching and learning sciences.


Poster presented at the February 2012 Annual Faculty Retreat (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Copyright owned by the creators of this work.
Citation Information
Grison, Sarah; Seiler, Stephanie; Carlson, Crystal (2012, January) Walking the walk: Using evidence-based teaching and learning to improve teaching training. Poster presented at the 2012 Annual Faculty Retreat, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.