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Practice Makes Perfect: Improving Learning of At-risk Students
Psychology Faculty
  • Patrick D.K. Watson
  • Sarah Grison, Parkland College
  • Steven G. Luke
  • Aya Shigeto
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29 graduate TAs and 1 faculty member teach 2700 Introductory Psychology students annually. This year we developed an assessment program to improve student learning and graduate teaching training (Shigeto et al., 2010). We studied the value of pedagogical tools developed for students in the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP). EOP selects students based on demographics and academic vulnerabilities for a special intro psych section. This section has an extra day per week for content presentation and additional student development support. These interventions have been demonstrated to enhance learning in minority students (Treisman, 1992).


Poster presented the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL

Copyright is owned by the creators of this work.
Citation Information
Watson, Patrick D.K.; Grison, Sarah; Luke, Steven G.; Shigeto, Aya (2010, January). Practice makes perfect: Improving learning of at-risk students. Poster presented the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.