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Beyond “Remember” and “Understand”: Can Online Homework Tools Augment Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills?
Psychology Faculty
  • Crystal Carlson
  • Genevieve M. Henricks-Lepp
  • Sarah Grison, Parkland College
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Publication Date

We studied the effectiveness of an Introductory Psychology online homework tool with questions that required lower or higher level thinking skills (Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate). Interestingly, results suggested that both student performance and attitudes are influenced by question level and question type (Matching, Multiple Choice, Drag and Drop, etc.).


Teaching Institute Poster Session, Thursday, May 23, 2013; Association for Psychological Science 25th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., May 23-26, 2013.

Copyright is owned by the creators of this work.
Citation Information
Carlson, Crystal, Henricks-Lepp, Genevieve M., and Grison, Sarah. (2013, May) Beyond “Remember” and “Understand”: Can Online Homework Tools Augment Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills? Poster session presented at the Annual Convention for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.