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UK Libraries Tiered Approach to Migrating Born-Digital Content
Midwest Archives Conference (2017)
  • Sarah Dorpinghaus
Part of the Elbow Grease and Flexibility: Practical Insights from Migrations Big & Small panel

Some institutions are migrating to their second (or maybe third or more) digital preservation environment.
Some may be migrating their digital objects to a collection management system for the first time,
while others are tackling the migration of content from obsolete media. Some may be dealing with a
combination of all the above, depending upon the type of digital materials involved. What do we need
to know, as we roll up our sleeves, to migrate our digital materials? As we move deeper into the twenty-
first century, our profession has matured enough that we no longer panic when we hear the “D-word.”
What are some of the lessons learned and rudimentary best practices to carry out a practical, feasible,
and workable digital migration? Join five of your colleagues for a discussion of migrations big and
small, from a home-grown system to a vendor-based platform or open-source project, from one vendor-
based platform to another, or from obsolete media and exotic devices. We will bring our experiences
of working on digital migration projects, sharing our insights on the scoping of projects, developing
and implementing project plans, developing and refining workflows, and engaging administrators,
developers, fellow archivists/curators, and other colleagues throughout the process.
  • born-digital,
  • digital migration,
  • reformatting
Publication Date
Citation Information
Sarah Dorpinghaus. "UK Libraries Tiered Approach to Migrating Born-Digital Content" Midwest Archives Conference (2017)
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