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“Scientists Can’t Really Talk to People”: Unpacking Students’ Metacommentary on the Racialized and Gendered Science Nerd Trope
International Journal of Multicultural Education
  • Sarah K. Braden, Utah State University
Document Type
Eastern College * Department of Education
Publication Date

Mass-media representations of the stereotypical science nerd position scientists as white, male, and largely English-speaking. Teachers and students who state a desire to work in equitable science learning communities may nonetheless reproduce inequities through their classroom practices which either embody or validate the science nerd stereotype. This study compares secondary students’ metacommentary on the science nerd trope in a mass-media representation to their metacommentary on their own and their peers’ classroom practices and sheds light on design elements for Critical Race Media Literacy (Yosso, 2002) tasks that may promote equity in science education spaces.


Reprinted with permission from IJME. Original publication in International Journal of Multicultural Education

Citation Information
Braden, S., (2020). “Scientists can’t really talk to people”: Unpacking students’ metacommentary on the racialized and gendered science nerd trope.International Journal of Multicultural Education,22(2), 87-108.