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Creativity of images: using digital consensual assessment to evaluate mood boards
Fashion and Textiles
  • Charles Freeman, Mississippi State University
  • Sara B. Marcketti, Iowa State University
  • Elena E. Karpova, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Mood boards are used frequently in design and product development as well as in academic courses related to fashion design. However objectively evaluating the creativity of fashion design mood boards is often difficult. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to examine reliability of a digital consensual assessment instrument measuring creativity, using expert (from related domains) and non-expert raters (students). Creativity measures were compared with the mood board themes to further investigate any relationships between mood board types and the consensual assessment. Independent samples t test comparing group means indicated expert raters evaluated the mood boards significantly higher in creativity than the non-experts, t (99) = −6.71, p < .001, (95% CI −.57, −.29), while Pearson correlation results indicate a significant relationship between the two groups of raters, r (50) = .33, p < .01. ANOVA results for all raters indicated a significant difference between the five subject matter categories; F (4, 95) = 4.64, p < .005. Overall, expert and non-expert raters reported significant reliability, which further supports prior research using consensual assessment for creativity measures across domains.


This article is published as Feeman, C., Marcketti, S., & Karpova, E. Creativity of images: Using digital consensual assessment ro evaluate mood boards. Fashion and Textiles, Dec 2017, 4; 17. doi.10.1186/s40691-017-0102-4.

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Citation Information
Charles Freeman, Sara B. Marcketti and Elena E. Karpova. "Creativity of images: using digital consensual assessment to evaluate mood boards" Fashion and Textiles Vol. 4 Iss. 17 (2017)
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