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Contribution to Book
Beyond Fragmentation: Reflections, Strategies, and Challenges
Articles, Book Chapters, & Popular Press
  • Sumudu A. Atapattu
  • Carmen Gonzalez, Loyola University Chicago, Law School
  • Sara L Seck, Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
  • Sustainable Development,
  • Environmental Justice,

In this volume, we examined examples of environmental injustice and unsustainable development from around the world, emphasizing multiple, overlapping forms of subordination and the legal tools used by communities in their struggles to seek remedy and redress. In this concluding chapter, we offer some reflections on moving beyond fragmentation and toward holistic and just solutions. We also provide some clarifications and discuss some of the challenges we encountered as we compiled and edited this volume.

Citation Information
Sumudu A Atapattu, Carmen G Gonzalez & Sara L Seck, "Beyond Fragmentation: Reflections, Strategies, and Challenges" in Sumudu A Atapattu, Carmen G Gonzalez & Sara L Seck, eds, The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021) 470.