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Introducing the Gender Dimension of Plastic Pollution in the Arctic
Articles, Book Chapters, & Popular Press
  • Sara L Seck, Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law
  • Tahnee Prior, Schulich School of Law and Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Plastic Pollution,
  • Arctic Research and Policy Making,
  • UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution,
  • Gender Perspectives,
  • Arctic Governance

This short communication seeks to introduce a new perspective – a gender dimension – into ongoing conversations on the governance of plastic pollution in the Arctic. Specifically, it seeks to understand (1) the degree to which gender and plastic pollution intersect in Arctic research and policy-making to date; and (2) the degree to which negotiations of the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution integrate diverse gender perspectives from the North. We first consider the extent of the plastics problem in the Arctic and the degree to which existing research addresses its gender-dimension. Then, we introduce existing regional and global responses to the plastics problem, including ongoing negotiations for a United Nations treaty on plastic pollution. Finally, we examine the degree to which gender has been mainstreamed into these governance mechanisms.


This a pre-print of an article and has not been peer-reviewed. This record will be updated following publication.

Citation Information
Tahnee Lisa Prior & Sara L Seck, "Introducing the Gender Dimension of Plastic Pollution in the Arctic" (2023) [unpublished, archived at Schulich Law Scholars, Dalhousie University and SSRN].