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Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies
Modern Languages & Literature Faculty Book Gallery
  • Gaetana Marrone
  • Sara Diaz, Fairfield University

Editor: Gaetana Marrone

Contributing author: Sara Diaz


Sara Diaz is a contributing author, entries for "Giacomino da Verona", "Salimbene da Parma", "Agnolo Firenzuola", "Cassandra Fedele" and "Veronica Gàmbara".

Book description: The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies is a two-volume reference book containing some 600 entries on all aspects of Italian literary culture. It includes analytical essays on authors and works, from the most important figures of Italian literature to little known authors and works that are influential to the field. The Encyclopedia is distinguished by substantial articles on critics, themes, genres, schools, historical surveys, and other topics related to the overall subject of Italian literary studies. The Encyclopedia also includes writers and subjects of contemporary interest, such as those relating to journalism, film, media, children's literature, food and vernacular literatures. Entries consist of an essay on the topic and a bibliographic portion listing works for further reading, and, in the case of entries on individuals, a brief biographical paragraph and list of works by the person. It will be useful to people without specialized knowledge of Italian literature as well as to scholars.

Publication Date
Publication Information

Diaz, Sara (2007). Entries for: "Giacomino da Verona", "Salimbene da Parma", "Agnolo Firenzuola", "Cassandra Fedele" and "Veronica Gàmbara", in Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone, New York, NY: Routledge, 2007. 9781579583903


Copyright 2007 Routledge

Citation Information
Gaetana Marrone and Sara Diaz. "Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies" (2007)
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