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Flexible and disposable paper- and plastic-based gel micropads for nematode handling, imaging, and chemical testing
APL Bioengineering (2017)
  • Santosh Pandey, Iowa State University
  • Zachery Njus
  • Upender Kalwa
  • Christopher Legner
Today, the area of point-of-care diagnostics is synonymous with paper microfluidics where cheap, disposable, and on-the-spot detection toolkits are being developed for a variety of chemical tests. In this work, we present a novel application of microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs) to study the behavior of a small model nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. We describe schemes of μPAD fabrication on paper and plastic substrates where membranes are created in agarose and Pluronic gel. Methods are demonstrated for loading, visualizing, and transferring single and multiple nematodes. Using an anthelmintic drug, levamisole, we show that chemical testing on C. elegans is easily performed because of the open device structure. A custom program is written to automatically recognize individual worms on the μPADs and extract locomotion parameters in real-time. The combination of μPADs and the nematode tracking program provides a relatively low-cost, simple-to-fabricate imaging and screening assay (compared to standard agarose plates or polymeric microfluidic devices) for non-microfluidic, nematode laboratories
  • c. elegans,
  • nematode,
  • worm,
  • microfluidics,
  • open microfluidics,
  • paper microfluidics,
  • imaging,
  • ImageJ,
  • MatLab
Publication Date
December 4, 2017
Citation Information
Zach Njus, Taejoon Kong, Upender Kalwa, Christopher Legner, Matthew Weinstein, Shawn Flanigan, Jenifer Saldanha, and Santosh Pandey , "Flexible and disposable paper- and plastic-based gel micropads for nematode handling, imaging, and chemical testing", APL Bioengineering 1, 016102 (2017)