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FIFA: Exploring a Focally Induced Fault Attack Strategy in Near-Threshold Computing
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
  • Prabal Basu, Utah State University
  • Chidhambaranathan Rajamanikkam, Utah State University
  • Aatreyi Bal, Utah State University
  • Pramesh Pandey, Utah State University
  • Trevor Carter, Utah State University
  • Koushik Chakraborty, Utah State University
  • Sanghamitra Roy, Utah State University
Document Type
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication Date

In this letter, we explore the emerging security threats of near-threshold computing (NTC). Researchers have shown that the delay sensitivity of a circuit to supply voltage variation tremendously increases, as the circuit's operating conditions shift from traditional super-threshold values to NTC values. As a result, NTC systems become extremely vulnerable to timing fault attacks, jeopardizing trustworthy computing. Inspired by the operation of a polymorphic virus, we propose a novel threat model for NTC, referred to as a focally induced fault attack (FIFA). FIFA employs a machine learning framework to ascertain the circuit vulnerabilities and generates targeted software modules to cause a breach of end-user privacy. Our experimental results, obtained from a rigorous machine learning approach, indicate the efficacy of FIFA, in a low-power mobile platform.

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Citation Information
Prabal Basu, Chidhambaranathan R, Aatreyi Bal, Pramesh Pandey, Trevor Carter, Koushik Chakraborty and Sanghamitra Roy, FIFA: Exploring a Focally Induced Fault At-tack Strategy in Near-Threshold Computing, IEEE Embedded System Letters (ESL), Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2018.