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Estradiol Valerate and Intake of Sweetened Water
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (2005)
  • Karen J. Boswell
  • Meta L. Reid
  • Jessica V. Fitch
  • Shannon N. Bennett
  • Sandy P. Narciso-Owen, Sacred Heart University
  • Christopher L. Hubbell
  • Larry D. Reid
Recently, it has been shown that female rats receiving very large doses (e.g., 2 mg) of estradiol valerate (EV) take considerably more alcoholic beverage than placebo controls. The question asked, with these procedures, is whether the enhanced appetite for alcoholic beverages was specific to those beverages or was a reflection of a general increase in appetite. Female rats were provided with various sweetened beverages. In one experiment, they were provided a palatable saccharin solution (0.25% solution) and a less palatable one (2% saccharin solution). EV treatment led to more intake of the palatable saccharin solution and reduced intake of the less palatable solution. EV induces changes leading to enhanced appetite for some ingesta (including palatable saccharin solutions and alcoholic beverages), but surely not all ingesta.
Publication Date
January, 2005
Citation Information
Boswell, K.J., Reid, M.L., Fitch, J.V., Bennett, S.N., Narciso, S.P., Hubbell, C.L., & Reid, L. D. (2005). Estradiol valerate and intake of sweetened water Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 80(1), 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2004.09.024