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Collaborating for Change: Devoting Time for Diversity Discussions for Your Library Staff
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works
  • Lily Dubach, University of Central Florida
  • Sandy Avila, University of Central Florida
  • Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion,
  • EDI,
  • anti-racism,
  • support for social justice

This presentation was recorded for the hybrid 2021 Florida Library Association Annual Conference that was held in Daytona Beach, FL on May 19-20, 2021. Access to the video recording is listed below.

Presentation Description:

Our nation reeled after the death of George Floyd, and our organization responded. The University of Central Florida strengthened support for social justice, anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion through direct and empathetic conversations with all staff and key stakeholders. The library itself acted likewise. Librarians focused on bringing the right conversations to the table by collaborating strategically with diversity and inclusion experts. Come to this presentation to learn which experts to include, then how to bring these conversations to your employees. Not only were these topics critical and emotionally-charged, these conversations happened virtually. By visiting this presentation, you will better understand how to hold virtual sessions on inclusion, diversity, and being an ally. You will see how including outside experts can impact your library's cultural climate and even bolster support for these topics beyond the library. The library, at its core, is a natural platform for conversations on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and anti-racism, but it takes leadership to bring these subjects to the forefront of our priorities. At our organization we developed unique equity, diversity, and inclusion programming conducted in a virtual setting which utilized many library related resources and technology. Our sessions included guest speakers who walked our staff through an open dialogue about our nation's deep racial history which allowed for our staff to receive vital education and training. The conversations were deep and deliberate which helped our staff deal with the state of our nation's grief during a difficult time. Come to learn about how your organization can utilize Zoom and streaming video services to create your own equity, diversity, and inclusion sessions.

Access to Online Video Presentation via YouTube:

Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Presentation
Publication Version
Author's version
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Information Technologies & Resources
Orlando (Main) Campus
UCF Libraries
Citation Information
Lily Dubach and Sandy Avila. "Collaborating for Change: Devoting Time for Diversity Discussions for Your Library Staff" (2021)
Available at: