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Online Information-Seeking Behaviors of Parents of Children With ADHD
Clinical Pediatrics
  • Adam Sage
  • Delesha Carpenter
  • Robyn Sayner
  • Kathleen Thomas
  • Larry Mann
  • Sandra H. Sulzer, Utah State University
  • Adrian D. Sandler, Utah State University
  • Betsy Sleath
Document Type
SAGE Publications
Publication Date

This article describes (a) parent questions about ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder), (b) parent Internet use to seek ADHD information, and (c) associations between type of Internet access and ADHD information-seeking. Seventy parents of children (ages 7-17 years) with ADHD completed questionnaires after their child’s visit with their pediatrician. Bivariate relationships were assessed using chi-square statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, or t tests. Parents identified an average of 8.9 questions about ADHD for their child’s provider. Common questions were related to medication and long-term implications of ADHD. A majority of parents searched the Internet for general ADHD information (87%) and ADHD medication information (81%). White parents accessed the Internet significantly more via home computer, mobile phone, and tablet, and significantly less via public library than non-White parents. Parents who accessed the Internet via home computers and tablets were more likely to search the Internet for ADHD medication information than parents who did not.

Citation Information
Sage, Adam; Delesha Carpenter, Robyn Sayner, Kathleen Thomas, Larry Mann, Sandra H. Sulzer, Adrian Sandler, Betsy Sleath. “Online Information-Seeking Behaviors of Parents of Children With ADHD.” Clinical Pediatrics.