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Assessment and Measurement of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Agents
Peer Reviewed Articles
  • Sandra L. Spoelstra, Grand Valley State University
  • Charles W. Given, Michigan State University
Publication Date
  • Cancer,
  • Oral Antineoplastic,
  • Adherence,
  • Measurement

OBJECTIVES: The increase in oral anticancer medications with complex regimens creates a need to assure patients are taking therapeutic dosages as prescribed. This article reviews the assessment and measurement of adherence to oral antineoplastic agents.

DATA SOURCE: Research and journal articles from CINAHL and Pub Med.

CONCLUSION: Assessing and measuring adherence to oral antineoplastic should include three dimensions: the percentage of medications taken, the duration, and the timing of taking the medication.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Clinicians need to conduct ongoing assessment and measurement of adherence to oral antineoplastic agents. This includes eliciting patient report of adherence, pill counts, drug diaries, and pharmacy or medical record audits.

Original Citation

Spoelstra, S. L., & Given, C. W. (2011). Assessment and Measurement of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Agents. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 116–132.

Citation Information
Sandra L. Spoelstra and Charles W. Given. "Assessment and Measurement of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Agents" (2011)
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