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Contribution to Book
Foreword to Landscapes of the Sacred: Geography and Narrative in American Spirituality
Jesuit School of Theology
  • Sandra Marie Schneiders, Jesuit School of Theology/Graduate Theological Union
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Paulist Press

The reader of Belden Lane's fascinating study, Landscapes of the Sacred, cannot escape a sense of encountering, in one and the same moment, insights which are both highly original and yet somehow so inevitable that one wonders at not having thought of them before. It is an experience of wandering into new territory and recognizing it as home, which is precisely the experience the book is trying to describe. In that sense, this work is a medium which is its message.

Chapter of
Landscapes of the Sacred: Geography and Narrative in American Spirituality

Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
Schneiders, Sandra Marie “Foreword.” To Landscapes of the Sacred: Geography and Narrative in American Spirituality. By Belden C. Lane. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1988.