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A Content Analysis of Counseling Organizations’ Social Media Usage
Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision (2021)
  • Sandra Logan-McKibben, Sacred Heart University
  • William M McKibben
Social media is a rapidly growing online platform for professional counselors and counseling organizations to communicate with the public, but little is known how counseling organizations utilize social media. The authors content analyzed posts from nine ACA divisions’ Facebook pages to explore how professional counseling organizations utilize social media to engage with online followers. Sharing links to external websites was the most frequently occurring post, but such postings were less likely to engage followers than sharing a post, photo, or events from within Facebook or uploading a photo directly. Recommendations for counseling organizations to engage in effective social media practices are presented.
Publication Date
Citation Information
McKibben, W. B. & Logan-McKibben, S. (2021) "A Content Analysis of Counseling Organizations’ Social Media Usage," Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 1.