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Cultivating campus environments to maximize success among Latino and Latina college students
Cultivating campus environments to maximize success among Latina/o college students (2015)
  • Samuel D Museus
This chapter highlights the factors that hinder or contribute to the success of Latino and Latina students at predominantly White institutions. The Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Model is offered as a framework from which to create environments for Latino/a students to thrive in college.
  • culture,
  • race,
  • diversity,
  • inclusion,
  • equity,
  • campus climate,
  • campus environments,
  • college success
Publication Date
Fall November 1, 2015
M. L. Freeman and M. Martinez
New Directions for Higher Education
Citation Information
Kiyama, J. M., Museus, S. D., & Vega, B. (2015). Cultivating campus environments to maximize success among Latina/o college students. In M. L. Freeman and M. Martinez (Eds.), College completion for Latino/a students: Institutional and systemic approaches: New Directions for Higher Education (No. 172, pp. 29-38). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.