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Atoh1 + secretory progenitors possess renewal capacity independent of Lgr5 + cells during colonic regeneration
EMBO Journal
  • David Castillo-Azofeifa, University of California, San Francisco
  • Elena N. Fazio, Western University
  • Roy Nattiv, University of California, San Francisco
  • Hayley J. Good, Western University
  • Tomas Wald, University of California, San Francisco
  • Michael A. Pest, Western University
  • Frederic J. de Sauvage, Genentech Incorporated
  • Ophir D. Klein, University of California, San Francisco
  • Samuel Asfaha, Western University
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During homeostasis, the colonic epithelium is replenished every 3–5 days by rapidly cycling Lgr5 + stem cells. However, various insults can lead to depletion of Lgr5 + stem cells, and colonic epithelium can be regenerated from Lgr5-negative cells. While studies in the small intestine have addressed the lineage identity of the Lgr5-negative regenerative cell population, in the colon this question has remained unanswered. Here, we set out to identify which cell(s) contribute to colonic regeneration by performing genetic fate-mapping studies of progenitor populations in mice. First, using keratin-19 (Krt19) to mark a heterogeneous population of cells, we found that Lgr5-negative cells can regenerate colonic crypts and give rise to Lgr5 + stem cells. Notch1 + absorptive progenitor cells did not contribute to epithelial repair after injury, whereas Atoh1 + secretory progenitors did contribute to this process. Additionally, while colonic Atoh1 + cells contributed minimally to other lineages during homeostasis, they displayed plasticity and contributed to epithelial repair during injury, independent of Lgr5 + cells. Our findings suggest that promotion of secretory progenitor plasticity could enable gut healing in colitis.

Citation Information
David Castillo-Azofeifa, Elena N. Fazio, Roy Nattiv, Hayley J. Good, et al.. "Atoh1 + secretory progenitors possess renewal capacity independent of Lgr5 + cells during colonic regeneration" EMBO Journal Vol. 38 Iss. 4 (2019)
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