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Contribution to Book
Taking Flight to Disseminate Translational Research: A Partnership between the UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the Library’s Institutional Repository
Library Publications
  • Lisa A. Palmer, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • Sally A. Gore, University of Massachusetts Medical School
UMMS Affiliation
Lamar Soutter Library; UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter

eScholarship@UMMS is the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s open access digital archive of research and scholarship, managed by the Lamar Soutter Library. The Library began collaborating with the UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) in 2011. eScholarship@UMMS facilitates knowledge and resource sharing of the UMCCTS by collecting and organizing its research products, including Research Retreat posters and presentations, Community Engagement Symposia products, the UMCCTS Newsletter, the UMCCTS Seminar Series, and publications that are the result of UMCCTS-supported research. eScholarship@UMMS provides long-term stable URLs for access to content, which are highly discoverable in Google and other search engines, maximizing readership and impact of UMCCTS products. UMCCTS administrators receive usage statistics for inclusion in grant progress and assessment reports to demonstrate this public impact. From July 2011 – mid-July 2015, 657 UMCCTS products were downloaded 43,380 times. Further, eScholarship@UMMS not only facilitates discovery of UMCCTS products, but also provides long-term preservation of these products, ensuring their accessibility beyond the UMCCTS grant cycle. This case study, which is relevant to the sharing and dissemination phase of translational research, will explore this partnership, which has been a win-win for both the Library and the UMCCTS.

  • University of Massachusetts Medical School,
  • translational research,
  • UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS),
  • dissemination,
  • Lamar Soutter Library,
  • institutional repository,
  • eScholarship@UMMS
Rights and Permissions
Copyright 2016 The Authors. This is the authors' final version of the book chapter as prepared for publication in: Conte, Marisa L., ed. Translating Expertise: The Librarian's Role in Translational Research. Vol. 8, Medical Library Association Books Series. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. Posted 6 months after publication with publisher permission.
Conte, Marisa L., ed. Translating Expertise: The Librarian's Role in Translational Research. Vol. 8, Medical Library Association Books Series. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
Related Resources
Published as Chapter 13, pages 175-185 in: Conte, Marisa L., ed. Translating Expertise: The Librarian's Role in Translational Research. Vol. 8, Medical Library Association Books Series. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Citation Information
Lisa A. Palmer and Sally A. Gore. "Taking Flight to Disseminate Translational Research: A Partnership between the UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the Library’s Institutional Repository" (2016)
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