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An Efficient and Reliable Lightweight PUF for IoT-based Applications
School of Computer Science & Engineering Faculty Publications
  • Fathi Amsaad, Eastern Michigan University
  • Abdul Razaque, International Information Technology University
  • Mohamed Baza, Sam Houston State University
  • Seluck Kose, University of Rochester
  • Sajal Bhatia, Sacred Heart University
  • Gautam Srivastava, Brandon University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

Silicon physical unclonable functions (sPUFs) exploit manufacturing process variations of semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs) to protect IoT-based devices from new cyberattacks. In this paper, a novel security technique, namely, an efficient lightweight configurable-based ring oscillator PUFs (c-ROPUFs)design, is proposed to enhance IoT-based reliability. The c-ROPUF is a low area design, mapped in a single CLB, and easy to implement on reconfigurable hardware. Data samples are collected under varying temperatures and supply voltage over a population of 30 Spartan-3E FPGA chips. The reliability ofc-ROPUF is identified and evaluated based on the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in terms of reliability. With the application of the proposed 1-out-of-encoding algorithm, our results demonstrate that c-ROPUF shows magnified average reliability of 99.63% as compared to earlier PUF designs. Finally, the results also show that the c-ROPUFdesign is immune from accelerated aging impacts with no bitflip, leading to reliability issues.


2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June.

Citation Information

Amsaad, F., Razaque, A., Baza, M., Kose, S., Bhatia, S., & Srivastava, G. (2021, June 14-23). An efficient and reliable lightweight puf for IoT-based applications [Conference proceeding]. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Montreal, Canada. Doi:10.1109/ICCWorkshops50388.2021.9473510