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A history and analysis of CALA's social media
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works
  • Sai Deng, University of Central Florida
  • Xiao Hu, University of Hong Kong
  • CALA,
  • Chinese American Librarians Association,
  • Facebook,
  • WeChat,
  • YouTube,
  • Statistical analysis,
  • Textual analysis,
  • Social media,
  • Subject analysis,
  • Social media--History,
  • Communication

Presented at the 2016 Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference poster session, Orlando, FL. June 26, 2016.


Under the rapid development of social media and social networking sites, a number of social media channels have been deeply integrated into people's professional and private lives. The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), started its social media presence in 2012 with Facebook, and then expanded to YouTube and WeChat. While CALA's Facebook and YouTube channel are more public and social platforms for its news, announcements and documents, its WeChat group is more of an informal space for sharing news and embarking discussions. This poster will look into the various aspects of these social media channels and provide statistical and textual analysis of their different content types. The investigated aspects include: fan bases especially for Facebook and WeChat, popular topics, language and top words, emotions, user engagement and communication dynamics. These analysis will shed light on how social media has helped in forming the opinions and influenced the lives of its participants. The poster will also address the major timeline events that have shaped these channels, the strategies that have been tried to promote them, and the rewards and difficulties encountered. We will discuss what needs to be done to sustain and further enhance these social networking channels. Through presenting full pictures of the CALA's social media, the authors hope to generate more discussion of and interest and participation in these channels.

Publication Date
Document Type
Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2016
Venue Date
4' x 8'
Publication Version
Author's version
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Temporal Coverage


Information Technologies & Resources
Orlando (Main) Campus
University Libraries

Social media; Statistics; Texts; Content analysis (Communication); Social media--History; Communication

Citation Information

Deng, S. & Hu, X. (2016). A history and analysis of CALA's social media. Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2016, Orlando, FL, June 26.