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Indexing and Querying Techniques for Moving Objects in Both Euclidean Space and Road Network
Advances in Computers
  • Lasanthi Heendaliya
  • Michael Wisely
  • Dan Lin, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Sahra Sedigh, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • A. R. Hurson, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Location-dependent query is a service that enables users to acquire real-time location-dependent information on mobile objects. This type of service is challenged by the size and volatility of the underlying data. This challenge has created the need for new methods that allow users to efficiently access, retrieve, and update volatile mobile object data. Motivated by this necessity, this chapter explores and discusses research challenges and issues regarding indexing and querying mobile data. The support for predictive queries on road-network constrained mobile objects is a major deficiency in the existing research. This chapter also presents performance evaluation on some solutions of indexing mobile objects as well as their supported predictive queries under the road-network constraints.

Computer Science
Second Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Center/Lab(s)
Intelligent Systems Center
Keywords and Phrases
  • Continuous,
  • Density,
  • Indexing,
  • Intelligent,
  • Location-Dependent Queries,
  • Mobile Objects,
  • Prediction,
  • Road Network,
  • Snapshot,
  • Spatial And Temporal
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
File Type
© 2016 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2016
Citation Information
Lasanthi Heendaliya, Michael Wisely, Dan Lin, Sahra Sedigh, et al.. "Indexing and Querying Techniques for Moving Objects in Both Euclidean Space and Road Network" Advances in Computers Vol. 102 (2016) p. 111 - 170 ISSN: 0065-2458
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