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Contribution to Book
A Survey of Data Cleansing Techniques for Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure Systems
Advances in Computers
  • Mark Woodard
  • Michael Wisely
  • Sahra Sedigh, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems heavily depend on accurate data in order to facilitate intelligent control and improve performance. Corruption of data in these systems is unavoidable, resulting from both intentional and unintentional means. The consequence of making control decisions based on erroneous or corrupted data can be severe including financial loss, injury, or death. This makes employing a mechanism to detect and mitigate corrupted data crucial. Many techniques have been developed to detect and mitigate corrupted data. However, these techniques vary greatly in their capability to detect certain anomalies and required computing resources. This chapter presents a survey of data cleansing techniques and their applicability to various control levels in a critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Center/Lab(s)
Intelligent Systems Center
Keywords and Phrases
  • Critical Infrastructure,
  • Cyber-Physical Systems,
  • Data Cleansing
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Book - Chapter
Document Version
File Type
© 2016 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2016
Citation Information
Mark Woodard, Michael Wisely and Sahra Sedigh. "A Survey of Data Cleansing Techniques for Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure Systems" Advances in Computers Vol. 102 (2016) p. 63 - 110 ISSN: 0065-2458
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