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Optimal Management of DoD Lands for Military Training, Ecosystem Services, and Renewable Energy Generation: Framework and Data Requirements
US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab (CERL) Technical Reports (2013)
  • Sahan T.M. Dissanayake, Portland State University
  • Hayri Önal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • James D Westervelt, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center-Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
This report documents the development of a framework for a numerical modeling application that can help installation managers develop optimal land-use policies that support competing uses to the greatest extent feasible. Specifically, this framework is de-signed for modeling landscapes that must concurrently maximize a military training mission, conservation of ecosystem services needed by species at risk, and development of renewable energy resources. These competing land uses have become necessary in recent decades due to emerging regulatory requirements for environmental conservation and strategic requirements for producing renewable energy on military lands. The modeling framework includes a table of land-use needs, land-use suitability maps, and a land-use compatibility matrix, which will be implemented as part of the user interface for the proposed numerical model. In a later phase of this work the framework will be extended to include the time domain, which will play a significant role in scheduling military training and testing activities to avoid interfering with certain essential but conflicting factors such as endangered species breeding cycles or the seasonal availability of solar exposure for photovoltaic production.
  • Land use
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Citation Information
Dissanayake, S. T., Onal, H., & Westervelt, J. D. (2013). Optimal Management of DoD Lands for Military Training, Ecosystem Services, and Renewable Energy Generation: Framework and Data Requirements (No. ERDC/CERL-TR-13-2). ENGINEER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER CHAMPAIGN IL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB.