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Incorporating Species Relocation in Reserve design Models: An Example from Ft. Benning GA
Ecological Modelling (2012)
  • Sahan T.M. Dissanayake, Portland State University
  • Hayri Önal
  • James D Westervelt
  • Harold E. Balbach
Given the increasing expansion of human dominated landscapes it often becomes necessary to relocate endangered and at-risk species from existing habitat areas. Further, there is growing research stating that climatic and atmospheric changes attributed to climate change are already affecting species distributions and geographic ranges, requiring endangered species to be relocated. Existing reserve design models mostly focus on choosing the optimal land area given existing species distributions and have not incorporated species relocation as a criterion. This paper introduces linear integer programming formulations for the relocation of multiple populations of a species at risk to clustered conservation areas. We present a basic clustered relocation model and extend the model to minimize the distances of relocation. We apply the models to a dataset related to Gopher Tortoise (GT), a keystone species currently considered ‘at risk’, at Ft. Benning Georgia where expanding military training needs require the relocation of GTs. We present the results and discuss the trade-off between compactness and relocation considerations using an efficiency frontier.
Publication Date
January, 2012
Publisher Statement
Copyright (2012) Elsevier

Citation Information
Dissanayake, S. T., Önal, H., Westervelt, J. D., & Balbach, H. E. (2012). Incorporating species relocation in reserve design models: An example from Ft. Benning GA. Ecological modelling, 224(1), 65-75.