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Measuring beyond content: A rubric bank for assessing skills in authentic research assignments in the sciences
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (2012)
  • T. K Kishbaugh
  • S. Cessna
  • S. Jeanne Horst, James Madison University
  • L. Leaman
  • T. Flanagan
  • D. Graber Neufield
  • M. Sidehurst
Publication Date
Citation Information
Kishbaugh, T.K., Cessna, S., Horst, S.J., Leaman, L., Flanagan, T., Graber Neufeld, D., & Siderhurst, M. (2012). Measuring beyond content: A rubric bank for assessing skills in authentic research assignments in the sciences. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13, 268-276. doi: 10.1039/c2rp00023g