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Examining Predictors of Implementation Quality in an Emerging International Extension Context
Journal of Extension
  • Ryan J. Gagnon, Clemson University
  • Jonathan Pettigrew, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
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Publication Date
Extension Journal

In this article, we explore a component of evidence-based programming—implementation quality—within an emerging international Extension context. Specifically, we examine how the traits, characteristics, and perceptions of 46 program facilitators influenced their support of maintaining implementation quality in a Nicaraguan youth violence and substance abuse prevention program, Dale se REAL. The results indicated that of four potential variables, only facilitator buy-in to the Dale se REAL program was a meaningful predictor of implementation support. The implications of the study findings, relative to evidence-based Extension research in both the United States and an emerging international context, are discussed.


This manuscript has been published in the Journal of Extension Please find the published version here:

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