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Where did the money come from that was used to establish the A&M College of Kentucky?
]]Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (2020)
  • Ruth E Bryan
By one measure, (relative inflated worth/purchasing power), in 1865, John Bryan Bowman raised the 2019 equivalent of $2,036,250 from at least 155 donors to buy the land and buildings that were essential for Kentucky University and its Agricultural & Mechanical College to begin operations in Lexington, Kentucky, between 1865-1866.  At the end of the American Civil War, in a slave-holding, southern state that remained in the Union, where did this large amount of money come from?
  • Agricultural & Mechanical College of Kentucky University history,
  • University of Kentucky history,
  • Lexington Kentucky history
Publication Date
February 21, 2020
Citation Information
Ruth E Bryan. "Where did the money come from that was used to establish the A&M College of Kentucky?" ]]Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (2020)
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