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What is a Nutrition Profile?
Human Sciences Extension and Outreach Publications
  • Sarah L. Francis, Iowa State University
  • Ruth E. Litchfield, Iowa State University
Extension Number
PM 2095
Many grocery stores are trying to simplify food shopping by giving foods a rating or score. This brochure describes several types of food profiling systems and how they can help you make decisions where they count most—in the grocery store.
Publication Date:
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
  • Food Nutrition and Health,
  • Buying and Preparing Food,
  • Food Science and Human Nutrition

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach publications in Digital Repository @ Iowa State University are made available for historical purposes only. The information contained in these publications may be out of date. For current publications and information from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, please visit

Citation Information
Sarah L. Francis and Ruth E. Litchfield. "What is a Nutrition Profile?" Ames, IA(2010)
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