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Listening Sessions With Latinas: Documenting Life Contexts and Creating Connections
Public Health Nursing
  • Ruth Belknap, Marquette University
  • Leona VandeVusse, Marquette University
Document Type
Format of Original
10 p.
Publication Date
Original Item ID
doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2010.00864.x

Objective: To use listening sessions with groups of Latinas to develop a contextual understanding of the lives of immigrant women to inform program development and ultimately better serve the community's needs for domestic violence services.

Design and Sample: This study was exploratory and descriptive, mixing qualitative listening sessions with quantitative methods. Seven listening group sessions were facilitated with 63 women participating.

Measures: Data included information from a short demographic questionnaire, texts of narrative from the sessions, and tallies of thematic comments made during the listening sessions.

Results: Themes derived from aggregated data from the listening sessions included women's Unmet Needs, Responsibilities, Goals, Achievements, Help-seeking, and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Findings indicated that Latinas' comments were often family-focused and they have many unmet needs. Familiarity with community resources to meet needs was not consistent across groups, for example, women who had not utilized domestic violence services were unlikely to know where to obtain help for IPV problems.

Conclusions: The ease with which women shared knowledge of resources and offered emotional support to each other during listening sessions supports their use by bilingual public health nurses in communities for needs assessment, education, and networking among Latinas.


Accepted version. Public Health Nursing, Vol. 27, No. 4 (July/August 2010): 337-346. DOI. © 2010 Wiley. Used with permission.

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Listening Sessions With Latinas: Documenting Life Contexts and Creating Connections," which has been published in final form at DOI. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.

Citation Information
Ruth Belknap and Leona VandeVusse. "Listening Sessions With Latinas: Documenting Life Contexts and Creating Connections" Public Health Nursing (2010) ISSN: 0737-1209
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