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About Russell Sbriglia

My teaching and research focus on American literature of the long nineteenth century (1776-1914) as well as literary and critical theory. I am particularly interested in tracing the theoretical imbrications of literature, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, especially as these three discourses intersect in the writings of major American Romantics like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Margaret Fuller, and Walt Whitman.
I am the editor of the books Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature but Were Afraid to Ask Žižek (Duke University Press, 2017) and (with Slavoj Žižek)  Subject Lessons: Hegel, Lacan, and the Future of Materialism (Northwestern University Press, 2020). I am currently completing a monograph titled A Gainful Loss: Melville avec Lacan, which looks at how the fiction of Melville's "major phase" (Moby-DickPierre, "Bartleby," and "Benito Cereno") simultaneously engages German Idealist thought and anticipates many crucial insights of Lacanian psychoanalysis.


Present Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Literature Studies, Seton Hall University Department of English


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