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Congestion Prediction for ACOPF Framework using Quadratic Interpolation
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2008, Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Rui Bo, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Fangxing Li
  • Chaoming Wang

This paper presents the following research works. First, numerical simulation is applied to verify the quadratic pattern of system status such as generator dispatches and line flows with respect to load changes. Second, an algorithm based on quadratic interpolation is proposed to reduce the intensive computation with brute-force simulation approach in calculating the coefficients of the quadratic pattern. Third, a heuristic algorithm to seek three load levels for the quadratic interpolation is proposed. This heuristic algorithm employs the DCOPF-based congestion prediction algorithm to estimate critical load levels. Fourth, the congestion prediction algorithm is presented using the quadratic properties of marginal unit generation and line flow. Last, the proposed algorithms are tested on the PJM 5-bus system, and results demonstrate the high effectiveness and high accuracy of the proposed approach.

Meeting Name
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century (2008: Jul. 20-24, Pittsburgh, PA)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
  • Algorithms,
  • Computer Simulation,
  • Electric Load Flow,
  • Energy Conversion,
  • Forecasting,
  • Heuristic Methods,
  • Heuristic Programming,
  • Interpolation,
  • Portals,
  • Potential Energy,
  • Potential Energy Surfaces,
  • Quadratic Programming,
  • Research,
  • 21st Century,
  • ACOPF,
  • Bus Systems,
  • Congestion Prediction,
  • Critical Loads,
  • Curve-Fitting,
  • DCOPF,
  • Electrical Energy,
  • Energy Markets,
  • High-Accuracy,
  • Line Flows,
  • Load Levelling,
  • Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP),
  • Marginal Units,
  • Numerical Simulations,
  • Optimal Power Flow (OPF),
  • Power Markets,
  • Power System Planning,
  • Quadratic Interpolation,
  • Research Works,
  • Simulation Approach,
  • Heuristic Algorithms
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
File Type
© 2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jul 2008
Citation Information
Rui Bo, Fangxing Li and Chaoming Wang. "Congestion Prediction for ACOPF Framework using Quadratic Interpolation" Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2008, Pittsburgh, PA) (2008) p. 1 - 7 ISSN: 1932-5517
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