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The Challenges of Latino/a Biblical Criticism
Latino/a Biblical Hermeneutics: Problematics, Objectives, Strategies
  • Rubén R Dupertuis, Trinity University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

The term challenges in the title of this essay has a number of possible references, some of which are very personal. I was in graduate school working diligently to understand the Acts of the Apostles in the context of rhetorical training and education in the larger Greco-Roman world when I encountered an essay by Fernando Segovia (1995a) in which he critiques the methods that were at the very core of what had, up to that point, been my introduction to biblical and early Christian studies. My reaction was twofold.

Francisco Lozada Jr. & Fernando F. Segovia
Society of Biblical Literature
Citation Information
Dupertuis, R. R. (2014). The challenges of Latino/a biblical criticism. In F. Lozada Jr. & F. F. Segovia (Eds.), Latino/a biblical hermeneutics: Problematics, objectives, strategies (pp. 133-149). Society of Biblical Literature.