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Legal Substitution and Experiential Transformation in the Typology of Leviticus, Part 1
Faculty Publications
  • Roy E. Gane, Andrews University
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Some Christians emphasize the idea that Christ’s sacrifice accomplished a legal substitution, but they largely overlook the effect of experiential transformation. Others do the opposite, emphasizing a change of experience resulting from Christ’s sacrifice, but downplaying the concept that Christ served as our Substitute. The present research demonstrates that in the typology of the book of Leviticus, which serves as a background to the explanation of Christ’s sacrifice in the book of Hebrews, both legal substitution and experiential transformation are clearly present and fully necessary. In part 1 of this two-part article, we will examine the evidence for legal substitution in Leviticus and identify some references to this dynamic in Hebrews. In part 2, we will explore experiential transformation in Leviticus and point out this element in Hebrews.


Retrieved June 29, 2015, from Ministry

Journal Title
Ministry: International Journal for Pastors
Citation Information
Roy E. Gane. "Legal Substitution and Experiential Transformation in the Typology of Leviticus, Part 1" Vol. 85 Iss. 11 (2013) p. 18 - 21
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