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Kentucky Libraries: A Bissel Tam for the Bikherdik: A Little Taste of Jewish Children's Literature for the Booklishly Inclined
Kentucky Libraries (2007)
  • Roxanne M Spencer, Western Kentucky University

This article offers a little (bissel) taste (tam) of Jewish children's literature resources. For many public and school libraries, the predominance of Holocaust literature published in the past ten to twenty years has, understandably, influenced selection of Jewish children's literature. The focus of this article is on some of the additional resources and titles available to librarians and teachers who seek to broaden their students' understanding of the breadth of Jewish life and experiences. As this is a smattering, it is by no means comprehensive, and additional readings are suggested.

  • Jewish children's literature,
  • collections
Publication Date
Fall 2007
Citation Information
Spencer, R. M. (2007). Kentucky ibraries: A bissel tam for the bikherdik: A little taste of Jewish children's literature for the booklishly inclined. Kentucky Libraries 71:4, 20-24.