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Book Review: Culture, Ideology and Society
International Third World Studies Journal and Review
  • Rory J. Conces, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

Fatos Tarifa’s Culture, Ideology and Society was my companion on a recent trip to the Balkans. Having read and reviewed one of his other books, The Quest for Legitimacy and the Withering Away of Utopia, I thought Culture, Ideology and Society would not only offer a glimpse of how a social scientist turned enlightened diplomat examines the lenses through which sociologists, philosophers, and film makers look at the world, but also some insight into the categories and concepts that are useful in better understanding the Balkans. I believe the book was somewhat successful at doing both.

Citation Information
Rory J. Conces. "Book Review: Culture, Ideology and Society" International Third World Studies Journal and Review Vol. XIV (2003) p. 35 - 37
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