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About Ronald W Staudt

Professor Staudt received a B.S. in mathematics and a B.A. in philosophy from St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago Law School, where he was a member of the University of Chicago Law Review. Before joining the IIT Chicago-Kent faculty in 1978, he practiced with the firm of Hubacheck, Kelly, Rauch & Kirby for two years, was staff attorney and assistant director of the Pima County, Arizona, Legal Aid Society, and was a clinical fellow and lecturer at the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic, University of Chicago Law School. From 1994 through 1998, on leave from the Chicago-Kent, he served as vice president for technology development and associated positions at LexisNexis Inc. in Dayton, Ohio.
Professor Staudt teaches Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Strategies, Internet Law, Public Interest Law & Policy, Justice and Technology Practicum, and Access to Justice and Technology. He is director of the Center for Access to Justice & Technology (CAJT)—a law school center using Internet resources to improve access to justice with special emphasis on building Web tools to support legal services advocates, pro bono volunteers and pro se litigants. Current CAJT projects include the law school's Public Interest Certificate program; A2J Author, a collaboration with the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction to build new computer interfaces for self-represented litigants; and the Self-Help Web Center at the Cook County Courthouse in the Daley Center, where law student volunteers help self-represented litigants to use technology tools developed at CAJT.
Professor Staudt has written numerous articles and books on technology and law. His most recent book is a report co-authored by Charles L. Owen, Distinguished Professor of Design at IIT's Institute of Design, and Edward B. Pedwell, titled Access to Justice: Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants.
Professor Staudt is a fellow, board member and president of the College of Law Practice Management. He serves on many boards and committees that promote technology solutions to access to justice problems, including the ABA Law Practice Management Section's E-Lawyering Task Force, the advisory council of the ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services, the Chicago Bar Foundation's Justice Entrepreneurs Project and its Pro Se Advisory Committee, the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice, and the Law Help Interactive's advisory board.


Present Faculty Member, Chicago-Kent College of Law



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